Every day is an adventure here. I haven't done a very good job of pointing out what makes this location special. And I mean special in both a good and bad way. The good definitely outweighs the bad. And the bad... I now just laugh at.
For example, yesterday we received a couple of voltage regulators to use with our refrigerator and freezer (both very expensive ... and electrical parts are not covered under warranty... and well, given the issues with electricity here, the repairman highly recommended the regulators).
Denni plugged in one regulator for the frig... and I was in the process of plugging the other one in when I decided to pick up the first regulator ... just to look at it. Well, I had my left hand on the freezer and picked up the regulator with my right hand. In doing this, because the outlet was reverse polarized, my body actually "closed the circuit" and I got a good 110V jolt through me.
I felt the current from my hand through the bottom of my left foot. Not an experience I wish to have again. I must admit, I did curse very loudly once I dropped the regulator. You see, this is the 2nd time I have "caught juice" (as Denni likes to call it). The first time was right after our electrician installed a new metal star light fixture. He was done (and elsewhere) when I wanted to check it out. I turned on the light... very pretty ... then touched the bottom of it to see how much it moved and zzzzzz...another shocking experience. When we brought the electrician back to fix it, he mocked us by holding on to the light himself and saying "What's the problem?".
Luckily his assistant touched it and got the juice as well. I'm starting to think our electrician might not be right in the head for all the juice that has probably gone through him.
So that is the bad. It's like, can't some tradespeople do it right the first time? Or at least, not do it half-assed. I must admit, before living like this (in a new house...figuring out what works and doesn't work)...and really scrutinizing everything every day... I would have never known what I now know about "things". House things. Electric things. Septic things. Water things. Pool things. Bug things. Gas things. Floor finish things. The list goes on and on.
Denni and I are living in paradise but we do obsess over these things.
And to not obsess to the point of frustration, we try to talk with each other about all the good things. And guests and friends who come over remind us of all the good things as well. So by no means do the bad outweigh the good.
What are these good things? Well...
Watching the...Dragonflies, Praying Mantis, Walkingsticks, Butterflies, Fireflies, Pelicans, Egrets, Herons, Sparrows, Iguanas, Geckos, Burros, Horses, Cows, Dogs, Cats
Admiring the...Flowers (too many to list), Trees, GREEN hillsides, Shells
Reading in a hammockSwimmingEating good foodListening to music all day (if you want)Talking with friends about everythingLastly, everything about...The SEA
There you go. But alas, I must go now. I need to call the Electrician to come and fix the freezer/frig outlet to be grounded. Ho hum.